• Brass wire is a type of copper wire. The inside of the wire is made of high-quality brass, which can greatly improve the conductive performance of the brass wire. The outside of the brass wire is made of insulated high-quality rubber, and some use better-quality plastic as the The outer protective layer makes the wire have extremely strong conductive properties and also has very good outer insulation properties. Брасс чыбатлы шимбә яхшы механик үзенчәлекләре һәм кайнар хәлдә яхшы пластиклык бар.

  • Бакыр таягы - яхшы эшкәртү спектакле, югары электр эшчәнлеге белән кара металл эшкәртү таягы. Mainly divided into brass rods (copper-zinc alloy, cheaper) and red copper rods (higher copper content).

  • Brass plate is a widely used lead brass. Аның яхшы механик үзенчәлекләре һәм яхшы эшлекле булуы бар. It can withstand hot and cold pressure processing. It is used in various structural parts for cutting and stamping processing, such as gaskets and liners. Set etc. Tin brass plate has high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, and good pressure processability under cold and hot conditions. It can be used for corrosion-resistant parts on ships and parts and conduits in contact with steam, oil and other media.

  • Бакыр Койрыл 0,5 мм Кузн30 H70 C2600 бакыр составы / бакыр тасма / бакыр тасма