Ipe / ipn

  • Ипа Европа киң Фланг нурлары
  • The IPN beam, also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Алар югары йөкле сыйдырышлыгы белән билгеле, аларның ышанычлы күрсәткечләре аркасында төрле заявкаларда кулланыла.

  • The IPN beam, also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Алар югары йөкле сыйдырышлыгы белән билгеле, аларның ышанычлы күрсәткечләре аркасында төрле заявкаларда кулланыла.

  • I-формадагы корыч көчле бурычлы йөк машинасы өчен кроссомберлар